Archive for the ‘Smoking’ Category

Why Do People Find It Hard To Quit Smoking

Aralık 1, 2007

The following article lists some simple, informative tips that will help you have a better experience with ways to quit smoking.

There is no doubt that smoking is addictive. It doesn’t seem to affect everybody the same way though. Some people have great difficulty quitting smoking, while others give it up with almost no effort.

Nicotine is the addictive substance of tobacco. It gets absorbed into the bloodstream where it affects brain chemistry which alters mood and focus. Because of the large surface area of the lungs, smokers receive a big “hit” of nicotine with every puff they take. Since nicotine is absorbed directly into the bloodstream the brain receives an almost instantaneous dose with every puff of a cigarette.

Nicotine primarily affects the mid-brain — the part of the brain that controls moods and emotions. It produces pleasurable sensations but also causes anxiety and cravings when accustomed doses are withheld. A nicotine substitute such as a patch or chewing gum can help alleviate these negative feelings.

Because of the immediate stimulation to the brain, smoking behavior is reinforced. When smokers try to quit, they have to overcome both the physical addiction to nicotine and the association they have made between smoking and the pleasurable sensations it produces.

Besides the physical addiction, there are also strong behavioral and social links to smoking. Certain situations (such as the end of a meal or going to a pub) become so associated with smoking that smokers reach for a cigarette without even thinking about it. Smokers may also crave cigarettes during times of stress.

You can see that there’s practical value in learning more about ways to quit smoking. Can you think of ways to apply what’s been covered so far?

The fact remains, however, that some people become more addicted to nicotine than others. The reason for this may be genetic. It seems that some people metabolize nicotine more slowly than others and this makes them less likely to become addicted to the substance. There is a particular enzyme that is present in the liver which is responsible for breaking down nicotine. People who have a genetic defect related to the production of this enzyme are less likely to smoke, and if they do smoke, they smoke fewer cigarettes than people with the normal enzyme.

There could also be genetic reasons related to behavior that may be linked to smoking addiction. Reaction to stress can be genetically determined, and it seems that stress relief is one of the major reasons that people smoke.

People who are addicted to smoking must take heart in the knowledge that it is possible to quit. Although some find it more difficult than others, there are many resources available to those who wish to give up the habit. If someone needs help to give up nicotine, they can have access to medical treatments and counseling. It is more than just the physical addiction to nicotine that they have to give up. All of the behavioral associations that have been developed over the years also need to be overcome.

As with any other addictive substance, the longer nicotine has been used the more difficult it is to give it up. Young adults who have only been smoking for a few years may find it easier to quit than a middle-aged person who has been smoking for 20 years. On the other hand, a middle-age smoker is more likely to be aware of the negative health effects of smoking and this may give him more motivation to break the habit.

It never hurts to be well-informed with the latest ways to quit smoking. Compare what you’ve learned here to future articles so that you can stay alert to changes in the area of ways to quit smoking.

The Detrimental Effects Of Smoking

Aralık 1, 2007

So what is quit smoking aid really all about? The following report includes some fascinating information about quit smoking aid–info you can use, not just the old stuff they used to tell you.
Almost everybody knows that smoking is bad for the health. Images of blackened lungs line school hallways and hospital waiting rooms, but despite this people continue to take up smoking. This may have to do with the pervasive romantic image of smoking — an image that has nothing in common with reality.

There are many ways to take tobacco. You can chew it, inhale it through the nose, and smoke it in the form of cigars or cigarettes. No matter how it’s taken it is dangerous, but because smoking is the most popular way to consume tobacco it has also received the greatest attention from the medical field and the media.

When a smoker inhales a puff of cigarette smoke the large surface area of the lungs allows nicotine to pass into the blood stream almost immediately. It is this nicotine “hit” that smokers crave, but there is a lot more to smoke than just nicotine. In fact, there are more than 4000 chemical substances that make up cigarette smoke and many of them are toxic.

Cigarette smoke is composed of 43 carcinogenic substances and more than 400 other toxins that can also be found in wood varnish, nail polish remover, and rat poison. All of these substances accumulate in the body and can cause serious problems to the heart and lungs.
Cancer is the most common disease associated with smoking. Smoking is the cause of 90% of lung cancer cases and is related to 30% of all cancer fatalities. Other smoking-related cancers include cancers of the mouth, pancreas, urinary bladder, kidney, stomach, esophagus, and larynx.

Think about what you’ve read so far. Does it reinforce what you already know about quit smoking aid? Or was there something completely new? What about the remaining paragraphs?
Besides cancer, smoking is also related to several other diseases of the lungs. Emphysema and bronchitis can be fatal and 75% of all deaths from these diseases are linked to smoking.
Smokers have shorter lives than non-smokers. On average, smoking takes 15 years off your life span. This can be explained by the high rate of exposure to toxic substances which are found in cigarette smoke.

Smokers also put others at risk. The dangers of breathing in second-hand smoke are well known. Smokers harm their loved ones by exposing them to the smoke they exhale. All sorts of health problems are related to breathing in second-hand smoke. Children are especially susceptible to the dangers of second-hand smoke because their internal organs are still developing. Children exposed to second-hand smoke are more vulnerable to asthma, sudden infant death syndrome, bronchitis, pneumonia, and ear infections.Smoking can also be dangerous for unborn children.

Mothers who smoke are more likely to suffer from miscarriages, bleeding and nausea, and babies of smoking mothers have reduced birth weights or may be premature. These babies are more susceptible to sudden infant death syndrome and may also have lifelong health complications due to chest infections and asthma.

It is never too late to give up smoking, even those who have smoked for 20 years or more can realize tremendous health benefits from giving up the habit.

It never hurts to be well-informed with the latest on quit smoking aid. Compare what you’ve learned here to future articles so that you can stay alert to changes in the area of quit smoking aid.

The Ways Of Quitting Smoking

Aralık 1, 2007

If you’re seriously interested in knowing about quitting smoking, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about quitting smoking.

Once you have made the decision to quit smoking, you should choose a method to help you overcome the habit. Each method has advantages and disadvantages, so it’s a good idea to examine all of them before deciding.

No matter which method you choose, it is important to have the support and encouragement of family and friends. You can quit smoking on your own but you are more likely to succeed if you have moral support from the people around you.

For most people, the desire to smoke comes in waves. One way to deal with those waves is to pick up the phone and talk to someone who knows that you are trying to quit. This has the dual benefit of offering some distraction as well as getting encouragement in your battle against tobacco.

Ways to Quit

Cold Turkey – If you have a great deal of willpower and a strong desire to quit smoking, you may be able to do it cold turkey. Quitting cold turkey means that you simply stop — no intermediate steps, just going from your regular habit to no smoking at all.
Certain individuals that metabolize nicotine relatively slowly are more likely to succeed by quitting cold turkey. This is because they are not as physically addicted to nicotine as other smokers are. People with a higher dependence on nicotine may find they need to use a nicotine substitute such as patches or gum.

Slowly Cutting Down – Rather than quitting cold turkey, some people prefer to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke each day. In order for this to work you need to have a plan to reduce your smoking by a certain amount each day and a goal for the day when you want to be completely smoke-free.

Those of you not familiar with the latest on quitting smoking now have at least a basic understanding. But there’s more to come.

There are many strategies you can use. You could smoke one less cigarette each day; you could delay smoking the first cigarette of the day by a greater amount each day; or you could limit your smoking to a certain number of cigarettes within a three hour period.

Nicotine Substitutes – Either of the above methods could be supplemented with the use of a nicotine substitute like gum, spray or patches. This helps reduce the craving for nicotine which is behind the desire to smoke. The brain has become accustomed to regular doses of nicotine so by supplying the nicotine by other means quitting the habit becomes easier.

Before using a nicotine substitute consult with your doctor concerning any health risks that may be associated with it. Nicotine substitutes are available in the form of chewing gum, nasal spray, lozenges, inhalators, or tablets that are kept under the tongue. Patches can also be worn on the skin to provide a constant supply of nicotine to the bloodstream throughout the day.

Zyban – Zyban is an antidepressant drug that has been proven effective reducing nicotine withdrawal symptoms. It is available by doctor’s prescription.

Hypnosis – Hypnosis has also been used to help overcome nicotine cravings. It seems to be most effective in those who have a strong desire to quit.

Acupuncture – As with hypnosis, acupuncture works best with people who are committed to quitting smoking. Both acupuncture and hypnosis may work by reinforcing the commitment to giving up smoking. There is no evidence that they are any more effective than other methods.

So now you know a the basics about quitting smoking. You’ve done something worthwhile: you’ve expanded your knowledge about quitting smoking

Facts You Should Know About Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

Aralık 1, 2007

This interesting article addresses some of the key issues regarding quit smoking aid,and nicotine withdrawal symptoms. A careful reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about quit smoking aid, and nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

When people try to give up smoking they will experience both psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms. The psychological symptoms are related to the habit of smoking and the things that are normally done while smoking like drinking coffee or talking with friends.

Like any bad habit, the smoking habit can be replaced with healthier behaviours, but the physical withdrawal from nicotine may be more difficult to handle.

Nicotine is a powerful drug related to cocaine and morphine. There is evidence that nicotine may be even more addictive than these drugs — the one-year success rate for heroin withdrawal is more than double that of nicotine withdrawal.

Nicotine affects the neurotransmitters of the brain. The brain becomes accustomed to receiving this kind of stimulation and sends out strong signals of craving when deprived of nicotine. A person trying to quit smoking will experience all kinds of withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, inability to concentrate, insomnia and fatigue.

Symptoms are stronger in people who have been smoking longer, and people will often have a greater urge to smoke in places and situations where they are accustomed to smoking.

The symptoms of nicotine withdrawal can be alleviated with nicotine substitutes such as gum or patches. This can help overcome the habit of smoking and it may be easier to cut down on these kinds of secondary nicotine sources than it is by quitting smoking cold turkey.

Some types of drugs (particularly antidepressants) can also be used to help lessen the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.

Nicotine withdrawal symptoms will change over time. They will start as a strong craving for cigarettes. As you continue to deny your body nicotine, you may become irritable and have difficulty concentrating. The brain has become accustomed to working under the influence of this nicotine and may not function up to par when denied this stimulation.

Once you begin to move beyond basic background information, you begin to realize that there’s more to quit smoking aid than you may have first thought.

Because the brain is not receiving stimulation from nicotine, you may also feel tired and lack energy. Ironically you may also have difficulty sleeping — insomnia is a common complaint among people who are trying to quit smoking and will add to your daytime fatigue.

Constipation can also be a problem related to nicotine withdrawal. The digestive system is sensitive to nicotine in the bloodstream. Many smokers are familiar with the sensation of needing to use the bathroom after having a cigarette. The digestive system can become dependent on the stimulation, and when it is removed, the result can be constipation.

Other symptoms related to the mouth, throat, and lungs are also quite common. You may develop a dry mouth and a sore throat and cough, and the tongue and gums may become tender and sore.

Not all people trying to quit smoking experience all of these symptoms, and some may experience certain symptoms more strongly than others. It is important to remember that all the symptoms will pass as long as you refrain from smoking.

The urge to smoke will come in waves, and if you can resist each wave in turn, the urges become less frequent and less severe. Each time that you feel a desire to smoke, try to find some kind of distraction. Doing a bit of exercise when the urge to smoke strikes has two benefits — your mind is distracted and your health is improved.

Even after you have overcome all of the physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, the psychological urge to smoke may remain for months or even years. Cravings may be stronger in situations where you have been accustomed to smoke like parties or pubs. This is due more to behavioural conditioning than actual physical dependence on nicotine.

There will come a day, however, when you will not feel the need to smoke. With time these days will become more frequent until finally the desire to smoke has been completely overcome.

Now you can bring something to the table next time you join a discussion on quit smoking aid, and nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Some Facts About Dealing With Lapses

Aralık 1, 2007

This interesting article addresses some of the key issues regarding about how to quit smoking. A careful reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about how to quit smoking.

During the quitting process the urge to smoke will be very strong. At some point, many people succumb to those urges. In fact, most people will have lapses or relapses on the road to smoke-free lives.

Rather than viewing these lapses as failures, it is better to view them as learning opportunities to understand why we slipped and how we can prevent it from happening again.

Lapses can happen any time. It could happen days or months after making the decision to quit. They are often triggered by stressful situations or by placing yourself in a situation which you associate with smoking. You may say to yourself, “Oh, it’s just a few puffs”, or “Just this one time.” That “one time” could lead into a full-blown relapse.

All is not lost, however. Nearly every former smoker went through similar episodes as they tried to quit the habit. Each time you again resolve to give up smoking you are approaching the task with greater determination and knowledge about what lies ahead.

Dealing with Lapses
If you find yourself smoking again, simply stop! Some people pick up a cigarette without even thinking about it. Even if you are in the middle of a puff, put the cigarette out and throw it away. If you have bought a pack of cigarettes, don’t even think about finishing it. Put them in the garbage. If you are smoking because you are sitting with other smokers, excuse yourself and leave.

Go for a walk and get some fresh air. Let your mind clear and use the opportunity to assess what made you pick up a cigarette. Remind yourself of all the reasons why you have decided to quit smoking and re-establish their importance in your mind.

Once you begin to move beyond basic background information, you begin to realize that there’s more to how to quit smoking than you may have first thought.

Try to talk to a friend or family member who can offer moral support in your effort to quit smoking. Be upfront about your lapse and ask for their opinion on how to prevent it from happening again. Above all, do not let yourself get down. View the lapse as an opportunity to plan strategies for similar situations.

It is important to critically examine the situation which caused the lapse. Who were you with? What were you doing? How did that cigarette make you feel? The answers can help you reassess your desire to quit smoking and strengthen your resolve to overcome the desire to smoke in similar situations.

Getting Back on Track
To overcome the lapse or relapse, you must renew your vow to quit smoking. Think of all the reasons that made you come to that decision in the first place — they are just as valid after a relapse as before, perhaps even more so. Recognize the progress you have made so far. After all, you may have gone several days or even months without having a cigarette. That is no mean feat.

If your lapse has been for several days, you may need a nicotine substitute like gum or a patch to tide you over. Don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor or counsellor about what has happened and ask for their advice.

Above all, don’t dwell on this temporary failure. Recognize it as one step along the path to a smoke-free future.

Now you can understand why there’s a growing interest in how to quit smoking. When people start looking for more information about how to quit smoking, you’ll be in a position to meet their needs.